Saturday 31 January 2009

Party time

We went to my school to watch some of the football on the school field; saw Joseph, William D and TJ. Mrs Eicke was there too - she has been going for 10 years! It was very cold so we didn't stay too long.

Had lunch at Nannie Caz and David's house; I ate all my food. Afterwards we played football outside and did some dressing-up like we were having a party and parade. When we had finished tidying up we had a nap on the sofa.

Later in the afternoon I went to Toby's 6th Birthday Party; he had a disco with lots of balloons and we played pass the parcel.

Woking 4-1 Northwich
Man Utd 1-0 Everton

Friday 30 January 2009

High temperature

I haven't gone to school today as I have a very high temperature and a tummy ache. I have been lying on the sofa all day and don't want to eat. Mummy has just given me some Calpol to bring my temperature down. I was a very good boy and took the medicine. Hopefully this will make me feel better soon.

Thursday 29 January 2009


We had Roast Chicken for lunch at school.

This afternoon I went for my swimming lesson with Mr Jones, we did lots more practise and I'm getting better.

Wednesday 28 January 2009

Upside-down face cake

At Cookie Club I worked with Jan and we made upside-down faces cakes.

Mummy gave Emma and I a Red Nose whoopee cushion which was very funny.

Tuesday 27 January 2009

Manchester United score my age in goals!

David gave me this Premier League Football Table so I can keep track of the points. As you can see my team are number one!

Manchester United Official Web Site - : WBA 0 United 5

Monday 26 January 2009


The words I have to learn for my spelling test on Friday are:

Sunday 25 January 2009

FA Cup fifth-round draw

Sheff Utd v Hull
Watford v Chelsea
West Ham v Middlesbrough
Sunderland/Blackburn v Coventry
Derby/Nott'm For v Man Utd
Swansea v Fulham
Liverpool/Everton v Doncaster/Aston Villa
Cardiff/Arsenal v West Brom/Burnley

Ties to be played on 14/15/16 February

Saturday 24 January 2009

Man Utd 2 - 1 Tottenham

Scholes 35
Berbatov 36

Next round of the FA Cup, here we come!

Friday 23 January 2009

Certificate of Achievement

At school I was given a "Certificate of Achievement" for my 'amazing reading'

My spelling test words today were:


I got them all right, which was lucky as I didn't get a spelling list to learn on Monday, but Mrs Eicke was very kind and spent 'wake and shake' time with me learning them all before the test. She even phoned Mummy at home to reassure her.

Thursday 22 January 2009

Teddy Bears' Picnic

Yellow class had a Teddy Bears' Picnic this afternoon. We wore mufti clothes and bought our favourite teddy bear in to school; I took the teddy Uncle Mark sent me from Australia - it's got a jumper with an Australian flag on it. We ate snacks and played games.

After school I went to my swimming lesson with Mr Jones. Freddie the frog squirted us but I think it was Mr Jones' hand really! Daddy came to watch too.

Wednesday 21 January 2009

Tuesday 20 January 2009

3 birthdays

Today Yellow Class celebrated three birthdays. Bailey, Jake W and Mrs Stewart all had Happy Birthday sang to them.

Monday 19 January 2009

20 beads

We got 20 beads today because we have worked hard. It has take quite a long time to get 20 beads. This means Yellow class can have a treat. We all voted and chose a teddy bears picnic which will be on Thursday. We have to bring in a teddy bear and can wear mufti clothes to school.

My dinosaurs are getting bigger in the bucket of water in the bathroom.

Sunday 18 January 2009


This afternoon we went to Rudy's 4th Birthday Party; we all had a lot of fun. I got these glasses and also some dinosaurs which are growing in some water. I keep going to look at them and they are getting bigger; it can take up to 10 days for them to increase 600%.

Saturday 17 January 2009

Friday 16 January 2009

Words, words, words

I spelt all the words below correctly in my spellings book today.


Thomas checked my spellings and I checked his. Mrs Stewart hasn't seen my book yet.

I read two books to Mummy tonight, one was called 'Crash landing' and was about a helicopter and the other one was called 'A new boy at school'. Mummy didn't have to help me with a single word!

Thursday 15 January 2009

Splish, splash and 3 books

I ready 'Helicopters' with Mrs Eicke at school and she put MAGIC! in my reading record book. I also read half of 'Animal friends' with Mrs Wells and she wrote 'Great reading' in my book.

It was Mrs Walker's birthday today.

After school I had a swimming lesson with Mr Jones in his swimming pool. I practised froggy legs and breathing by tilting my head sideways. It's tricky to remember everything but we are going to practise a bit each week.

At bedtime I read the second half of 'Animal friends' and also 'What a surprise!' so today I have read three whole books!

Wednesday 14 January 2009

Freecycle and 54 seconds

David got some Lego from Freecycle, after Mummy had washed it all, Emma and I enjoyed playing with it. We played really nicely for ages; Mummy was very pleased.

At bedtime I read 'Magic Tricks' and 'At the zoo'. I liked the magic book and Mummy did one of the tricks with Emma's toothbrush.

Manchester United closed the gap on Premier League leaders Liverpool to two points - with a game in hand - as they won against Wigan. Wayne Rooney scored after 54 seconds!

Tuesday 13 January 2009

Person of the day

Today at school I was 'Person of the day'. I had to wear a yellow band and take the register round to the school office. I also had to be first in the queue and ring the school bell.

After school we went round to Nannie Caz's house and Emma and I had tea while David and John did some diy; they were quite noisy and had sawdust on themselves. We kept asking them what they were doing and watched them too! They had loads of tools and 'mess' in the garage.

I had a good swimming lesson with Sandra and went first most times to show the others how to do some of the swimming strokes.

Monday 12 January 2009


The snowman that I built last Monday finally melted away today.

Sunday 11 January 2009

Manchester United win again

Mummy and Daddy and Emma and I all watched Manchester United play Chelsea on television this afternoon. The score was 3-0 to United, with goals from Vidic, Rooney and Berbatov. My favourite one was Vidic, as he scored with a header.

We're now 1 point behind Chelsea, but have two games in hand. If we win our next two games then we will be top of the league next Saturday.

I am going to have a bath and go to bed now.

Saturday 10 January 2009

Deal or No Deal

I went to Nanny Borrett's house and played boxes with Mummy; I won! Then I played Deal or No Deal and I nearly won £250,000 but instead I won £10,000.

Friday 9 January 2009

Super Spelling

Today we had a spelling test. The words were:


I got 11 right out of 11 and Mrs Stewart put "Super" in my Spellings Book.

Thursday 8 January 2009

Super Speedy

Today Mrs Stewart gave me a sticker for getting changed in less than 2 minutes :)

I had a 30 minute swimming lesson after school with Mr Jones.  I swam 15 metres.

Wednesday 7 January 2009

Frozen Basingstoke Canal

Today at school we did some group reading with Mrs Stewart - we all had to read a page or two from "Come for a ride". Mrs Stewart wrote in my Reading Record "Ryan you were so confident, you helped others. Well done."

After school we went to Bridge Barn to look at the Basingstoke Canal as it has iced over. There were big branches, bricks and bread on top of the ice.

Started playing Yoshi's Island on my DS.

Monday 5 January 2009

Snow and Rocks

After I'd had my haircut I went indoor rock climbing; it was great fun and I can't wait to do it again.

I helped Nannie Caz make a snowman outside her house. I'd already made one at home so it didn't take long.

Sunday 4 January 2009

Manchester United win again

Just finished watching Manchester United on the television. They beat Southampton 3-0 and are through to the next round of the FA cup to play Tottenham in 3 weeks time.

Going to get ready for bed now.

Saturday 3 January 2009


I played with the ice that was outside. I left some water in a container and it had frozen in the night.

I played football with Mummy; the score was Ryan 20 - Mummy 18.

Found out that the next Doctor Who will be someone called Matt Smith. He will become the doctor in Spring 2010.

I watched Total Wipeout on the television and the best time for the obstacle course was 2 minutes. Some of the people got very muddy.

Watched darts with Daddy and saw loads of 180's. Went to bed late at 8PM.

Friday 2 January 2009

World Winner

I won the "BrainBox All Around The World" game against Nannie Caz, David and Mummy and Emma.

Went to Woking Park where we played football, rode our bicycles and did some climbing.

Star Wars Dancing

This is one of the videos I've been watching a lot on YouTube lately. It's really funny and Emma and I like it a lot.

Thursday 1 January 2009

New Year's Day

Nanny Sue came to visit today and helped me with my world jigsaw. I took her to see my bedroom and she stayed for food - we had roast with crackling! Then Daddy took her home and we talked to her on the webcam.

(I don't have any pictures from today at the moment, so here's one of me we prepared earlier :-) )

Stayed awake until 9:30 PM tonight as I'm still off school for a few more days.